BOLT command

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Příspěvky: 2739
Registrován: 20.únor 2008 - 19:16
satelitni prijimac: Dreambox - Dr.HD F16 - TBS5925
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BOLT command

Příspěvek od EnoSat »

Pre vstup do prostredia loaderu sa v konzole pri zavádzaní systému väčšinou použije kombinácia CRTL+C

Kód: Vybrat vše

batch ............. Load a batch file into memory and execute it
boards ............ Show supported boards

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boot .............. Load an executable file into memory and execute it
boot emmcflash0.kernel_1 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootwait rootflags=data=journal debug coherent_pool=2M brcm_cma=504M@0x10000000 brcm_cma=260M@0x2f800000 brcm_cma=1024M@0x80000000'
boot emmcflash0.kernel_2 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 rw rootwait rootflags=data=journal debug coherent_pool=2M brcm_cma=504M@0x10000000 brcm_cma=260M@0x2f800000 brcm_cma=1024M@0x80000000'
boot emmcflash0.kernel_3 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p9 rw rootwait rootflags=data=journal debug coherent_pool=2M brcm_cma=504M@0x10000000 brcm_cma=260M@0x2f800000 brcm_cma=1024M@0x80000000'
boot emmcflash0.kernel_4 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p11 rw rootwait rootflags=data=journal debug coherent_pool=2M brcm_cma=504M@0x10000000 brcm_cma=260M@0x2f800000 brcm_cma=1024M@0x80000000'
boot emmcflash0.kernel1 'root=/dev/mmcblk1p3 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait'

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crc ............... Report the CRC32 for a memory range.
d ................. Dump memory.
dir ............... List the directory of a FAT file system
dt on ............. (Re-)enable the silent 'dt bolt' command that happens just before the 'boot' command executes. 
dt off ............ Disable the silent 'dt bolt' command that happens just before the 'boot' command executes. 
dt bolt ........... Modify an existing DTB with an autogenerated BOLT config.
                    The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt memreserve ..... Add an entry to the DTB memory reservation table.
                    The address and length shall be specified in hex.
                    The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt del prop ....... Delete a property from the DTB. The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt del node ....... Delete a node from the DTB. The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt add prop ....... Add a new property to the DTB. The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt add node ....... Add a new node to the DTB. The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt sane ........... Check DTB header. The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
dt show ........... Decode contents of a memory resident DTB file as a DTS.
                    The DT_ADDRESS envar is used as the base address of the dtb. 
e ................. Modify contents of memory.
Konfigurovanie (výber) sieťového interfejsu

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ephycfg ........... Configure Ethernet PHY interface
BOLT> ephycfg -e
1) MII to external 10/100Mbps PHY (e.g. bcm53101E) on GENET_0
2) RGMII ID mode disabled for external 10/100/1000Mbps PHY (e.g. bcm5461x) on GENET_0
3) RGMII to external Gigabit Switch (e.g. bcm531x5) on GENET_0
4) RGMII ID mode disabled for external Gigabit Switch on GENET_0
5) RGMII to RGMII (e.g. STB<->3383) on GENET_0
6) Internal GPHY (built-in PHY) on GENET_0 (defaults)


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erase ............. Erase flash device or partition
f ................. Fill contents of memory.
flash ............. Update a flash memory device
gisb .............. Show or set GISB bus timeout
go ................ Start a previously loaded program.
Zobrazenie nápovedy pre podporované príkazy loaderu

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help .............. Obtain help for BOLT commands
BOLT> help help


     Obtain help for BOLT commands


     help [command]

     Without any parameters, the 'help' command will display a summary
     of available commands.  For more details on a command, type 'help'
     and the command name.

*** command status = 0
Nastavenie sieťového interfejsu

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ifconfig .......... Configure the Ethernet interface
BOLT> ifconfig eth0 -auto
100 Mbps Full-Duplex
Device eth0:  hwaddr 00-11-22-33-44-55, ipaddr, mask
        gateway, nameserver
        DHCP server, DHCP server MAC AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF
*** command status = 0

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incenv ............ Increment an integer environment variable.
Výpis základných informácií loaderu

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info .............. Show BOLT configuration information
BOLT> info
     CPU speed: 1503MHz
DDR0 Frequency: 1067MHz, 4Gx16 phy:3240000000 @ 00000000
DDR1 Frequency: 1067MHz, 4Gx16 phy:3240000000 @ 80000000
  Total memory: 2048MB
   Boot Device: SPI
 controller 0, TYPE: SD
 controller 1, TYPE: EMMC

BSP version: '2.1.0'
Total memory used by BOLT: 0x070080E0 - 0x0708EBF8 (551704)
Initialized Data:          0x07033000 - 0x07077170 (278896)
BSS Area:                  0x07077170 - 0x0708EBF8 (96904)
Local Heap:                0x07100000 - 0x09100000 (33554432)
Stack Area:                0x09100000 - 0x09200000 (1048576)
Text (code) segment:       0x070080E0 - 0x07012CA8 (43976)
FSBL info area:            0x06FFC000 - 0x06FFC044 (68)
Page table base:           0x07000000

BOLT driver build information:
LDR:     ELF   1; RAW   1; SREC  1; ZIMG  1
UI:      LEVEL 3; MIN   0
FS:      FAT   1; FAT32 1
NET:     STACK 1; ENET  1; TCP   1
USB:     STACK 1; ETH   1; DISK  1; SERIAL   1; HID 1
SPLASH:  1048576; emmcflash0.splash
*** command status = 0

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load .............. Load an executable file into memory without executing it
loop .............. Loop a command
Zmena MAC adresy boxu (napr. po výmene dosky)

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macprog ........... Program the MAC address.
BOLT> macprog 00-11-22-33-44-55
Programming flash...done
*** command status = 0

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memtest ........... Test memory.
memwrap ........... Test for end of (ddr) memory.
                    The -ddr option pre-fills -base & -top values, which may be overridden by your own (option.) -base & -top.
mii ............... Reads or writes register contents from/to specified PHY address on a given MDIO bus
                    (use show devices to discover the bus). 
ping .............. Ping a remote IP host.
Zobrazenie nastavení prostredia

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printenv .......... Display the environment variables
BOLT> printenv
Variable Name        Value
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
        BOOT_CONSOLE uart0
              SPLASH ENABLE
             STARTUP batch -fatfs emmcflash0.startup:STARTUP
             VERSION 9.99
      CHIP_FAMILY_ID 73660020
           BOARDNAME BCM97366SFF_bad_MoCA
          MEMORYSIZE 2048
          DT_ADDRESS 761c000
             DT_SIZE a2c7
            ETH0_PHY INT
      ETH0_MDIO_MODE 1
          ETH0_SPEED 1000
        ETH0_PHYADDR 1
          DRAM0_SIZE 1024
          DRAM1_SIZE 1024
         ETH0_HWADDR 00:11:22:33:44:55
*** command status = 0

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reboot ............ Reboot the system
rlogin ............ Mini rlogin client.
rpmb counter ...... Read the RPMB Write Counter.
rpmb program-key .. Program the authentication key.
rpmb use-key ...... Specify the key to be used for all RPMB operations.
rts ............... List all, or select an rts
save .............. Save a region of memory to a remote file via TFTP
set console ....... Change the active console device
setboard .......... Set board number
setenv ............ Set an environment variable.
Zobrazenie zariadení pripojených na USB zbernicu

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show usb .......... Display devices connected to USB bus.
BOLT> show usb
Bus 0 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 1 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 2 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 3 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 4 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 4 Device 2   Class 0 Vendor 148F Product 5372  [DEVICE]
Bus 5 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 6 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
Bus 7 Device 1   Class 9 Vendor 0000 Product 0000  [HUB]
*** command status = 0

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show heap ......... Display information about BOLT's heap
Zobrazenie informácií o inštalovaných zariadeniach

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show devices ...... Display information about the installed devices.
BOLT> show devices
Device Name          Description
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
              uart0  16550 DUART at 0xf040b000 channel 0
               mem0  Memory
         emmcflash0  EMMC flash Data : 0x000000000-0x0E9000000 (3728MB)
 emmcflash0.startup  EMMC flash Data : 0x000400000-0x000500000 (1024KB)
  emmcflash0.initrd  EMMC flash Data : 0x000500000-0x001100000 (12MB)
  emmcflash0.splash  EMMC flash Data : 0x001100000-0x001300000 (2048KB)
emmcflash0.kernel_1  EMMC flash Data : 0x001300000-0x001900000 (6MB)
emmcflash0.rootfs_1  EMMC flash Data : 0x001900000-0x03B200000 (921MB)
emmcflash0.kernel_2  EMMC flash Data : 0x03B200000-0x03B800000 (6MB)
emmcflash0.rootfs_2  EMMC flash Data : 0x03B800000-0x075100000 (921MB)
emmcflash0.kernel_3  EMMC flash Data : 0x075100000-0x075700000 (6MB)
emmcflash0.rootfs_3  EMMC flash Data : 0x075700000-0x0AF000000 (921MB)
emmcflash0.kernel_4  EMMC flash Data : 0x0AF000000-0x0AF600000 (6MB)
emmcflash0.rootfs_4  EMMC flash Data : 0x0AF600000-0x0E8F00000 (921MB)
         emmcflash1  EMMC flash Boot1: 0x000000000-0x000400000 (4MB)
         emmcflash2  EMMC flash Boot2: 0x000000000-0x000400000 (4MB)
         emmcflash3  EMMC flash RPMB : 0x000000000-0x000080000 (512KB)
        flash0.bolt  SPI flash @ CS0: 0x00000000-0x00200000 (2048KB)
      flash0.macadr  SPI flash @ CS0: 0x00200000-0x00210000 (64KB)
       flash0.nvram  SPI flash @ CS0: 0x00210000-0x00220000 (64KB)
     flash0.devtree  SPI flash @ CS0: 0x00220000-0x00230000 (64KB)
             flash0  SPI flash @ CS0: 0x00000000-0x00400000 (4MB)
               eth0  GENET Internal Ethernet at 0xf0b60000
              mdio0  GENET MDIO at 0xf0b60800
              sata0  SATA3 AHCI Device
              sata1  SATA3 AHCI Device
            uart_b0  16550 DUART B at 0xf040b040 channel 0
*** command status = 0

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sleep ............. Sleep for specified milliseconds.
t ................. Test contents of memory.
tcp constest ...... Tcp console test.
tcp listen ........ Port listener.
tcp connect ....... TCP connection test.
testenv ........... Tests environment variable for various conditions. 
                    The default is to test the existence of the 
ttcp .............. TCP test command.
u ................. Disassemble instructions.
uncache ........... Mark (all ddr) memory access via the mmu as uncached. Effects vary depending upon the architecture.
unsetenv .......... Delete an environment variable.
usb exit .......... Stop & reset the USB controller.
usb init .......... Initialize the USB controller.
waitusb ........... Wait for USB device to be installed.
PS: obnova rescue loadera v DM z USB-FAT32 (kde RLDM.bin je premenovany rescue.bin)

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BOLT> dir usbdisk0
*** Sony Storage Media (3900 MB, lbs=512) ***
 11648128 RLDM.bin
*** command status = 0
BOLT> boot usbdisk0:/RLDM.bin
ROVER TAB900+ , Televes H30 FLEX
Gibertini OP100LN /85E-53W/
WaveFrontier T90 /51E-39E-36E-33E-28E-26E-23E-19E-16E-13E-9E-7E-5E-2E-1W-4W/
Edision MIO+ 4K, Octagon SF8008, Mutant HD51, QVIART Lunix, Ustym 4K S2 OTT, VU Solo4K, Dreambox 900UHD/7020HD/500HD, TBS-5925/5530/5220

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